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Amsterdam Food Guide: 15 Dutch Foods You Must Try

Nov 18,2023 | goodesim

Hey there, fellow food lover! Ready to embark on a culinary adventure? Join us as we explore Amsterdam, a city that’s not just about beautiful canals and historic buildings, but also a treasure trove of mouthwatering dishes. Trust us, the food scene here is as rich and diverse as its history and culture, and it’s an experience you wouldn’t want to miss.

The Heart of Dutch Cuisine: Amsterdam’s Famous Foods

Amsterdam’s culinary scene is a melting pot of flavors, offering a range of dishes that every visitor must try. Here are the top 15 must-try foods in Amsterdam, each with its unique taste and texture:


  1. Stroopwafels: Imagine biting into a thin, crispy wafer filled with sweet and sticky caramel syrup. The crunch of the wafer, the gooey caramel – it’s a match made in heaven.
  2. Bitterballen: Imagine biting into a crunchy, deep-fried ball and discovering a savory, creamy mix of chopped beef or veal inside. The rich, meaty flavor is just perfect with a dollop of tangy mustard.
  3. Poffertjes: These small, fluffy pancakes are a delight to the senses. Light and airy, they’re served with a dusting of powdered sugar and a dollop of butter that melts into the warm pancakes, creating a sweet, buttery sensation.
  4. Raw Herring: This traditional Dutch food is a unique experience. It’s slightly salty, soft, almost creamy, and often served with tangy pickles and sharp onions. It’s a flavor explosion in your mouth!
  5. Patat: These thick Dutch fries are crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and served with a variety of toppings. Whether you’re a ketchup or mayo person, or even if you’re adventurous enough to try satay sauce or Dutch cheese, these fries are a must-try.
  6. Gehaktballen: These Dutch meatballs, typically made from a mix of beef and pork, are rich, savory, and seasoned with traditional Dutch spices like nutmeg and juniper berries. It’s comfort food at its best.
  7. Indonesian Rijsttafel: You might be wondering why an Indonesian dish is on this list, but because of the colonial history between the two countries, Indonesian food is widely enjoyed in the Netherlands. This dish is a feast of small plates, each offering a different flavor and texture. From spicy beef rendang to sweet grilled chicken satay, there’s something for everyone.
  8. Kaas: Dutch cheeses like Gouda and Edam are known for their smooth and creamy texture. Gouda is sweet and nutty, while Edam is milder and slightly salty. Cheese lovers, you’re in for a treat!
  9. Surinaamse Broodjes: These sandwiches are filled with flavorful curries and served on fresh, soft rolls. The spicy, aromatic curry contrasts beautifully with the mild bread. It’s a sandwich like no other.
  10. Jenever: This traditional Dutch spirit is the precursor to modern gin. It’s smooth, slightly sweet, and has a strong juniper berry note. It’s the perfect way to end a meal.
  11. Appeltaart: Dutch apple pie is a delightful mix of sweet and tart flavors. The apples are often spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, and the crust is buttery and slightly crumbly.
  12. Dutch Beer: From light and crisp lagers to dark and rich ales, Dutch beers are known for their high quality and unique flavors. It’s the perfect accompaniment to your meal.
  13. Pannenkoeken: These aren’t your typical pancakes. They’re larger and thinner than American pancakes but thicker than French crêpes. They can be served sweet or savory, with a variety of toppings.
  14. Frikandel: This traditional Dutch snack is a skinless, deep-fried sausage. It has a savory and slightly smoky flavor, and it’s often served with a variety of sauces for dipping.
  15. Kroketi: These are similar to French croquettes, with a crispy exterior and a creamy interior. They’re typically filled with a mixture of meat and gravy, giving them a rich and savory flavor.

The Market Experience: Where to Try Dutch Foods in Amsterdam

Ready to take your taste buds on a tour? Amsterdam’s food markets are a foodie’s dream come true, offering a smorgasbord of Dutch foods. Here are some of the city’s must-visit food markets, and their popular stores that you just can’t miss:

The Albert Cuyp Market

The Albert Cuyp Markt is Amsterdam’s most famous market, and it’s a must-visit with its variety of food stalls.

Here’s where to stop:

  • Poffertjes Albert Cuyp: Craving traditional Dutch pancakes? This is the place to go.
    Haringhandel Albert Cuyp: For a taste of herring sandwiches, make sure to stop by here.
  • Firma Kaas: A cheese lover’s paradise, offering a variety of Dutch cheese.
  • Banketbakkerij van der Linde: Got a sweet tooth? Their ice cream is a must-try.
  • De Vleeschhouwerij: For all your meat cravings, this is the spot.
Experience the Flavors: Amsterdam Food Tours

The Noordermarkt

Known for its fresh produce and local Dutch cheeses, the Noordermarkt is another must-visit. Here are some stores to check out:

  • De Kaaskamer: For a wide selection of Dutch cheese, you can’t miss this place.
  • Staalmeesters: Fresh bread and pastries await you here.
  • De Noordermarkt: For fresh produce, this is your go-to spot.
  • Patisserie Holtkamp: Indulge in their pastries and cakes for a sweet treat.
  • Wijnhandel van Krimpen: Wine enthusiasts, this is for you. They offer a great selection of wines.

The Dappermarkt

If you’re looking for a mix of Dutch and international foods, the Dappermarkt is your go-to spot. This market offers a unique experience and a chance to taste Amsterdam’s culinary delights. Here are some stores you should definitely check out:

  • Tropicana Food & Drinks: If you’re in the mood for Surinamese food, this is the place to be.
  • Hilal Bakkerij: Craving Turkish baked goods? Look no further.
  • Sera Food & Drinks: For halal meat products, make sure to stop by here.
  • De Groenteman: Your one-stop-shop for fresh produce.
  • De Notenbar: Nuts and dried fruits galore, perfect for a quick snack.

So, fellow food lovers, get ready to explore, taste, and enjoy the culinary delights that Amsterdam’s markets have to offer. Happy eating!

Experience the Flavors: Amsterdam Food Tours

Experience the Flavors: Amsterdam Food Tours

Embarking on a food tour is one of the best ways to dive into Amsterdam’s rich culinary scene. These tours offer a guided exploration of the city’s gastronomic landscape, introducing visitors to local favorites, hidden gems, and culinary traditions. Here’s a more detailed look at what you can expect from an Amsterdam food tour and how to choose the one that’s right for you.

What to Expect

Amsterdam food tours typically involve a mix of walking, eating, and learning about the city’s history and culture. You’ll visit a variety of food spots, from bustling markets and street vendors to traditional Dutch restaurants and trendy cafes. Along the way, you’ll have the chance to sample a wide range of foods. You might find yourself trying a fresh Stroopwafel straight from a street vendor, sampling a variety of Dutch cheeses at a local market, or sitting down for a meal at a restaurant known for its traditional Dutch dishes.

Choosing the Right Tour

When choosing a food tour, consider what you’re most interested in. If you’re a history buff, look for a tour that combines food tastings with insights into Amsterdam’s history and culture. If you’re a cheese lover, consider a tour that includes a visit to a cheese market or a cheese tasting session.

Also, consider the size of the tour group. Smaller groups often provide a more personalized experience, but larger groups can be a fun way to meet fellow food lovers.

Price Range

The price of food tours in Amsterdam can vary widely depending on the length of the tour, the number of tastings included, and the types of establishments visited. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from 30 to 100 euros per person.

Keep in mind that while some tours may seem pricey, they often include a substantial amount of food and can sometimes replace a meal. Plus, you’re not just paying for the food – you’re also getting the knowledge and guidance of a local expert, which can greatly enhance your culinary experience in Amsterdam.

Join GoodeSIM to Elevate Your Travel Experience

Exploring Amsterdam’s culinary scene is like taking a journey through the city’s culture and history. Each dish tells a story of the city’s rich heritage. So, when in Amsterdam, dive into the city’s food scene and savor the flavors that make Dutch cuisine truly unique. Happy eating, fellow foodies!

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